
The dh_segment.inference module implements the function related to the usage of a dhSegment model, for instance to use a trained model to inference on new data.

Loading a model

LoadedModel(model_base_dir[, predict_mode, …])

Loads an exported dhSegment model

class dh_segment.inference.LoadedModel(model_base_dir, predict_mode='filename', num_parallel_predictions=2)

Loads an exported dhSegment model

  • model_base_dir – the model directory i.e. containing saved_model.{pb|pbtxt}. If not, it is assumed to be a TF exporter directory, and the latest export directory will be automatically selected.

  • predict_mode – defines the input/output format of the prediction output (see .predict())

  • num_parallel_predictions – limits the number of conccurent calls of predict to avoid Out-Of-Memory issues if predicting on GPU

predict(input_tensor, prediction_key=None)

Performs the prediction from the loaded model according to the prediction mode.

Prediction modes:



Output prediction dictionnary



Single filename string

labels, probs, original_shape

Loads the image, resizes it, and predicts


Single filename string

labels, probs

Loads the image, resizes it, predicts and scale the output to the original resolution of the file


Single input image [1,H,W,3] float32 (0..255)

labels, probs, original_shape

Resizes the image, and predicts


Single input image [1,H,W,3] float32 (0..255)

labels, probs

Resizes the image, predicts, and scale the output to the original resolution of the input


Single input image [1,H,W,3] float32 (0..255)

labels, probs

Predicts from the image input directly

  • input_tensor – a single input whose format should match the prediction mode

  • prediction_key – if not None, will returns the value of the corresponding key of the output dictionnary instead of the full dictionnary


the prediction output

predict_with_tiles(filename, resized_size=None, tile_size=500, min_overlap=0.2, linear_interpolation=True)